International Scientific Journal “ENGINEER” is a Bridge Between Science and Innovation
Founder of the international scientific journal “Engineer” – Tashkent State Transport University
The “Engineer” publishes the most significant results of scientific and applied research carried out in universities of transport profile, as well as other higher educational institutions, research institutes, and centers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries.
The journal is published 4 times a year and contains publications in the following main areas:
- Engineering;
- General Engineering;
- Aerospace Engineering;
- Automotive Engineering;
- Civil and Structural Engineering;
- Computational Mechanics;
- Control and Systems Engineering;
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering;
- Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering;
- Mechanical Engineering;
- Mechanics of Materials;
- Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality;
- Media Technology;
- Building and Construction;
- Architecture.
Current issue
Acceptance of articles for issue 4 of the journal in 2024 continues
Vol 1, Issue 2/3, 2024
Your article will be reviewed quickly
The sent scientific articles are reviewed by the editors, and unedited articles that are not sent according to the requirements will not be published;
Professors-teachers, doctoral students, independent researchers, master’s students, talented students can submit articles to the journal;
Articles accepted for the journal will be posted on the page of the current issue of the site within 3 days, and the author will be provided with a link to the article.
Indexed bases
The scientific journal is indexed in local and international databases such as Google Scholar, Scientific Library of Uzbekistan.
Contact us
100167, Tashkent, Temiryo‘lchilar str., 1